Every once in a while, I love a good reread. I know not everyone out there is a fan, but for me there's something so comforting about rereading a good story if you're in the right mood. With about 3 weeks left in Ohio, getting ready to move across 5 states away from the fam and getting ready to be unemployed in a strange place, I'm enjoying zoning out with some childhood favorites whenever I get a minute to myself.
I actually started last week's rereads with Son of a Witch. When I first read Wicked, I wasn't feeling too open minded about the idea of one author (Gregory Maguire) reworking another author's (L. Frank Baum) characters. But Mr. Maguire's writing is subtle and thoughtful. Anyone who reads this can find a way to identify with Liir. Everyone makes mistakes and has regrets, but it's part of growing up and the price you pay for experience. Liir, like Elphaba in Wicked, reminds you that your mistakes are part of what makes you YOU.
Next, it was The Cricket In Times Square. I loved this book as a kid. I remember having to look up what "liverwurst" was. Who wouldn't be comforted by the adorable story of Chester Cricket, Tucker Mouse, and Harry Cat? Hee hee!
And lastly, on Saturday I reread Mrs. Piggle Wiggle stories. Where I grew up, the town library had all of Betty MacDonald's stories on the goofy grandmother character and I ate them up. Mrs. Piggle Wiggle's Farm was my favorite of course! ^-^ I especially love The Bad Table Manners Cure chapter in Mrs. Piggle Wiggle's Magic, where Lester the Pig is recruited to instruct proper table etiquette. All in all this week, it was a good read down memory lane, so to speak.
Coming up next, I'm going to find some new medieval literature to read for the Medieval Bookworm's challenge! I think a phone call to the Mommy Bear is in order.
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